Current location: Bucharest Romania
Other locations: Toronto CA, Reading UK, Chennai IN

To obtain a progressive position in programming, software development.
Programming in Delphi from 1995; programming in Borland Pascal from 1991, under DOS and Windows environments, started programming in 1987. Projects included real estate forms, accounting, payroll, personnel, inventory systems, building management and other full applications or DLLs, components, packages, services.
    • Strong Delphi Experience
    • Strong OOP Knowledge, Component and Library Design
    • Strong debugging abilities

    • SOFTWARE: All Windows editions from 3.0
    • LANGUAGES: Proficient with all Embarcadero / CodeGear / Inprise / Borland Delphi versions.
      A 100% Delphi (Pascal) programmer.
Myself in just a few words
Workahoolic. I'd like to work in a place where 10-12 hours per day are appreciated.
Perfectionist. Kind of moderate, in a positive way: I like to write good code, that's all.
Reliable. No need to explain this one.
2019 - present
Senior Software Developer
Luxoft, Bucharest, Romania
PC-Environment: Windows 10, Delphi XE6
Note: working remote.

Offline data analysers for ASML.

2020 - 2022
Senior Software Developer
High-Tech Systems and Software, Bucharest, Romania
PC-Environment: Windows 10, Delphi XE5, Delphi 11.2

Pharma industry, MSSQL. Migrating app and adding new features to existing database application.

2016 - 2018
Senior Software Developer
CompliaHealth, Bucharest, Romania
PC-Environment: Windows 10, Delphi 10
Note: working remote.

Providing maintenance and bug fixes, new features to top health-care industry apps. Databases: MS SQL. Tools: MSSQL, Indy, Gnostice, DevExpress and more.

2012 - 2016
Senior Software Developer
Haufe-Lexware, Bucharest & Timisoara, Romania
PC-Environment: Windows 7, Windows XP, Delphi 2007, XE, XE3
Note: working remote.

Providing maintenance and bug fixes, new features to real estate apps and more to come on my plate. Databases: Firebird, MS SQL. Wrote database merge-synchronize in-house tools. DevExpress, AnyDAC, Indy, XML

2010 - 2011
Senior Software Developer
JOWENGO, Somewhere in Romania
PC-Environment: Windows XP, Delphi 2010-XE
Note: working remote.

Built a suite of apps to handle the database for this web-site Using DevExpress, VirtualTrees, XML and ElevateEB as database. Work was done in Delphi 2010, later switched to Delphi XE.

2006 - 2010
Senior Software Developer
Do Process Software Ltd.”,  Toronto, Canada
PC-Environment: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Delphi 5-7-2006-2007 (2009 sparingly @home)

Major task was: take a dead-end-never-released old application developed with TurboPower components and B-Tree, and upgrade it to a modern interface based on DevExpress, LMD Tools, VirtualTrees, XML and using DBISAM as database. Application was out in beta in about a year and first edition released 6 months later. Work was done in Delphi 2007. Using from Delphi 5 to 2007, CodeSafeWeb, Visual SourceSafe, Developer Express, Indy, VirtualTrees, XML, XMLPro, Abbrevia, Orpheus, Essentials, LMD Tools 2007.

    • Maintained a bunch of old apps, wrote new components, optimized code, fixed bugs.
    • Wrote a bunch of utilities for internal use.
    • Wrote new apps
2002 - 2005
Senior Software Developer
Cybernet Software Systems Ltd.”, http://www.synaptris.com, Chennai, India
PC-Environment: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Delphi 5-6-7-2005
Note: working remote.

My initial task was to take ownership of a Delphi 5 application, update its UI with new controls and move it to Delphi 7. Later on, many new features were added, bugs were fixed and the application became part of the "IntelliVIEW Suite". My colleagues were located around the world: India, UK, US, Russia, Bulgaria. Upgrading and maintaining Delphi applications. Writing components.

    • Using of Delphi 5-9, Vault, Visual SourceSafe, DevEx QuantumGrid, FastReport, Indy, TBX, Decision Cube, TeeChartPro, TMS, VCLZip, VirtualTrees, ReportBuilder, XML, XMLPro, ZLIB...
    • Enhanced UI, improved components, optimized code, fixed bugs.
1999 - 2002
Software Developer
“ICG Research Inc.”, Toronto, Canada
PC-Environment: NT 4.0 - W2K - XP, Delphi 4-5-6

At I.C.G. I was working with a team of 5-6 other developers to maintain a suite of applications, in essence a cost recovery system (monitor and measure costs associated with phone calls, printing, copying, scanning and faxing). Many reports could be created and run using the data collected by the software. Practically existing customers always wanted new reports, and we either added new reports to the applications or we made them possible to be created on site by the customers themselves. Maintaining object-oriented, multithreaded applications, writing Delphi components, experts, DLLs.

    • Using of FlashFiler, Report Builder, Abbrevia, Orpheus, Winshoes, SysTools, AsyncPro, Sleuth QA, Indy, Visual SouceSafe, etc.
    • Enhancing reports, improving components, optimizing code, fixing bugs.
    • Unbelievable as it may sound, I also had to write a full blown Turbo Pascal application, with TurboVision.
1996 - 1999
Software Developer
Do Process Software Ltd.”, Toronto, Canada
PC environment: Windows’9x, 3.1, WFG, Delphi 1-2-3

With a 3 dev team we upgraded old BP apps to Delphi and Windows. Wrote installation programs for released software, a Paradox based application to record and keep track of released software and version upgrades and an application for automatic files upgrade in our network environment.

    • Developed object-oriented applications, Delphi components, DLLs, experts, NT services. Tools used: B-Tree, TurboPower (Abbrevia, LockBox, Orpheus, SysTools).
    • Printing of various real estate, governmental forms from within Delphi applications, using EZ Print
    • Debugging - recreating steps taken by user to locate source of problem and modify code to correct errors.
1991 - 1995
Software Developer
“Comoti S.A.” (Data Processing Department), Bucharest, Romania
PC environment: Windows 3.1, Borland Pascal 6-7, Delphi 1

Major task was to replace redundant PDP software systems (accounting, payroll) with new applications for PC environment, using Borland Pascal (DOS and Windows 3.1).

    • Designed and implemented of new application software systems (accounting, payroll), using Turbo Pascal 6.0, Borland Pascal 7.0 for Windows.
    • Developed user interface (input data dialogs, printer settings using Turbo Vision, OWL, API);
    • Programmed specifications to meet user requirements.
1989 - 1991
Software Developer, Computer Operator
“Tricorom S.A.” (Data Processing Department), Bucharest, Romania
Mainframe environment: PDP, RSX-11M
    • Provided changes from user specifications using Pascal, COBOL, Fortran.
    • Maintenance through utility runs, managing resources, devices, back-ups.
    • Operated PDP system (with team) to handle 5000 employees payroll system.
1988 - 1989
Self-employed Software Developer
Mainframe environment: PDP
    • Software applications for students, using Pascal and Fortran.
Certificate in Computer Operator
Information Training Centre, Bucharest, Romania
    • Programming in COBOL and Fortran using PDP system, RSX/11M.
Certificate in Computer Programming
Information Training Centre, Bucharest, Romania
    • Programming in Pascal using PC environment, MS-DOS.
1986 - 1989
Completed three years toward a welding technology engineer degree
Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest, Romania
Mathematics and Physics High School, Bucharest, Romania
Available upon request.